Asphalt Paving Foreman

Asphalt Paving Foreman
To manage labor and equipment in order to safely and profitably complete the job to the customer’s satisfaction while utilizing your knowledge, experience and leadership skills to create a customer focused culture that positively motivates your crew to use their skills, talents and abilities to produce superior quality of work in everything that they do.
Empowerment (Scope of Authority/Decision-Making)
Empowerment is allowing you as a Pavecon team member to take full responsibility for your job responsibilities and to make decisions within certain boundaries once fully trained by your leader.
You are empowered to make the following decisions:
- Rent equipment as necessary to execute the job/communicate with Operations Manager
- Complete the job according to scope
- Purchase materials within scope of job
- Purchase small tools up to $500 per purchase
You must obtain approval before proceeding with the following decisions:
- Hire and terminate hourly employees
- Perform any work outside of scope of the job
- Make purchases over $500
Reports To
- Production Coordinator
- Crew members
Planning Horizon
- One-Month Schedule
Key Result Areas and Accountabilities
A. Each foreman will ensure that Pavecon’s safety procedures are always followed
B. Conduct daily Job Hazard Analysis
C. Conduct weekly safety toolbox talks
D. Follow Pavecon safety procedures for accidents and incidents
A. Ensure a safe work environment
B. Conduct pre-construction meeting with Project Manager before every job
C. Make customer satisfaction your top priority
D. Complete the job within the scope of work. Do not proceed with any changes of the scope, quantities, or number of mobilizations unless approved by project manager.
E. Set up, order material, and execute the job to specifications and cost budgets
F. Report man-hour and major material use on daily time sheet
G. Ensure that driver logs are completed daily and monitor driver hours of service
H. Follow Pavecon construction standards and procedures
I. Maintain equipment (Procedure PD002)
J. It is the foreman’s responsibility to stay on the job with the crew while the work is being done to
ensure the job is carried out to Pavecon standards and the customer’s needs are met
K. Supervise crew to ensure that the proper amount of manpower matches the scope of the job
when possible
L. Verify that all utilities have been located
M. Coordinate equipment needs with other foreman and help each other
N. Be on time for the Monday scheduling meetings.
A. Prepare accurate time sheets daily
B. Accurately report equipment, company owned and rental
C. Turn in Quality Control Checklist on completion of every job
D. Turn in all receipts and delivery tickets with time sheets
E. Keep job diary on all jobs
F. Complete and turn in equipment repair orders
G. Complete accident and incident reports
A. Complete Quality Control Checklist
B. Make sure job matches the Pavecon Brand
Human Relations
A. Treat each crew member with dignity and respect
B. Direct and redirect crew members as needed to improve performance
Implement Corporate Philosophy
A. Lead by example and ensure that all your team members live by Pavecon’s core values
B. Promote the brand
Measurements of Success
I. Foreman “A” Level performance Scorecard
II. Positive feedback from crew members on Foreman’s performance (see survey)
III. Satisfied and repeat Customers
IV. Profitable jobs
V. Quality product
VI. Maintaining company image on the job
VII. Zero injuries or accidents
VIII. No “Go Backs”